Saturday, October 8, 2011

Video Instruction vs. Direct Instruction

So this week was great!!! I got to teach all day Friday - My mentor said she wouldn't say a word!!! It was great...

I do have a small dillema about the practice we use in our classroom for instruction. Our instruction daily is about 5-15 minutes depending on whether we are starting a new lesson or in the middle of a project.  So, my mentor makes a video of her instruction using a program called SnapzProX which creates a video of the computer screen as well as records her voice. Then we play this video for each of the classes. There are some pros & cons to the practice. The pro's are: We can monitor the students better if we aren't stuck behind our desk doing the lesson on the computer screen live - so we are able to ensure each student is paying attention, etc... (When you are doing a live lesson, the tendency is to look at your screen at what you are doing, rather than on the class.) The con's are: Is it really teaching? My husband seems to think it is a "cop out", and that Direct instruction isn't taking place (granted he is a Math Teacher, and this wouldn't work as well in his classroom with his style).  I have discussed it with several of the cohort members, and the numbers are split - some say it's just good teaching, others say that it will put them out of a job?? Anyway, what do you think? I feel like if I am teaching in her classroom, I need to teach the way she does. Similarly, if I teach in my husband's class, I would teach the way he does??? Input would be appreciated. 

On a side note, I did two more behavior referals this week: One for fighting, and one for tardies... Anyway, the fighting one was interesting - It happened in the hall when a student punched another student in the back and then he ran off down the stairwell. By the time I got to the stairwell, he was gone - however he was a student of mine & I saw him so I knew who he was (It's funny how students think teachers are oblivious). Anyway, got the kid who got punched to the nurse - had security get the hitter, wrote up a referral and handed it over to the AP. It was a unique experience.

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