Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to Classes!!

So today, I went to two classes instead of being in the classroom.

EDSY A630: Language, Culture, & Teaching in Secondary Schools. It was interesting, taught by Paul Ongtooguk. It basically started out  slow, but got better over time. Some of the major readings that were indicated being interesting were:

  • Jane Adams - The Chicago Experiment (This is a nobel price article which describes the the connection between the needs of communities to public education)
  • Gene Glass - Fertilizer, Pills, & Magnetic Strips (This is about the future of education - Where it's been, where it's going, etc...)
  • Ravitch/Finn - What do our 17 year olds know (This is an observation of what skill sets our teenage population is really getting out of public education system)
The nice thing about this class, is that there is no book - and no daily homework. There has been some mention of a handbook that will need created, but no clear indication of what assignments are due and when.

EDSY A661: General Metods. Taught by Susan Barstow. The goals for this class are very clearly set out, and the teaching method of the teacher is very compatible with my learning style. There are times when I find that I am not following where she is going however.  Today, we did a really fun activity to get to know each other and to learn a little about the prior knowledge everyone is coming to the table with. 

The activity was puzzle pieces - Each person put their name, a symbol of their content area, a ethnic border, and three goals on the puzzle piece. Then we each put them up on whiteboard, and said a short story about our first week in the internship. It was great getting to know each persons name, seeing who needs to work on public speaking, as well as learning what other's goals were prior to the mini-residency. My goals were ICE!!! Integrate, Collaborate, & Educate. Granted it's a little more in depth than that but I wanted to make it short and simple (plus the pieces weren't very big). 

Anyways overall I think the classes are going to be enjoyable, & I look forward to getting to it.

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